There are tons of books I can’t wait to see in 2019. Every year, I love the steps publishing, especially small and independent publishers, take towards being more reflective of the reality of the current world we live in. We are not making near enough strides fast enough but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t celebrate the victories and the new additions to the market. In fact, celebrating these books, talking about them, sharing them in our professional networks and basically building word of mouth buzz (and SALES) for them helps ensure there can be MORE of the kind of titles we want to see: titles from marginalized creators reflecting the truth of the world and the truth of their experiences.
That’s why this week I have been so excited to be part of the campaign to get people excited for When Aidan Became A Big Brother by Kyle Lukoff, illustrated by Kaylani Juanita. It’s a 2019 title from Lee & Low and this week I’ve been revealing illustration spreads from the book along with thoughts from Kyle about writing the book and his thoughts on the illustrations. It’s been a real joy to share these images and hear Kyle’s thoughts AND watch people get to find out about Aidan and it it on their radars. This is an (all too rare) picture book about a trans boy written by a trans author. It is also a joyful celebration of families, new siblings, and finding your community. It fills a lot of collection gaps and because of Kyle’s tender, immediate, realistic writing and Kaylani’s wonderful illustrations it’s also just a genuine joy. I can’t wait for everyone to have a chance to share this book and I especially can’t wait for trans boys to see themselves reflected so lovingly and truthfully in these pages.
Today I am going to share the cover !! and some thoughts from Kyle and Kaylani. If you want to see the other amazing illustrations I shared throughout the week, you can see them in this Twitter thread (unrolled here for easier reading) AND I have an extra special giveaway on Twitter thanks to Lee & Low – if you head over to my Twitter and retweet the cover and follow Kyle you have a chance to win one of three copies of When Aidan Became A Big Brother (US addresses only)
The release date for When Aidan Became A Big Brother has moved from May to June – the new release is June 4th so put it on your calendars now and add it on GoodReads!

Kyle’s thoughts:
“When I first considered writing a picture book about a trans boy, I mostly thought about what I didn’t want to do. I didn’t want to use that old trope of being “trapped in the wrong body.” I didn’t want to talk about his body at all; trans people are more than our bodies. I also didn’t want him to deal with bullying or transphobia–not from family members, not from other kids. Our lives are more than just the experiences we have to survive. I wanted to focus on the joy of self-expression, the unconditional love families can provide, and the possibilities for change that trans people create in the world. As a librarian, a writer, and a transgender man, I hope that you make room for WHEN AIDAN BECAME A BROTHER on your bookshelf, because I’m sure that kids like him already have a place in your heart.”
Kaylani’s thoughts:
“I was really excited to illustrate WHEN AIDAN BECAME A BROTHER because it’s a fresh perspective on an underrepresented topic within kids lit. Kyle did an amazing job writing— I wanted the illustrations to seem sweet and charming like the manuscript. As a queer artist, I’m very grateful for the opportunity to illustrate such a special story!”
WOW I love everything about this cover. Look at Aidan’s awesome shirt and amazing hairstyle – look at how his parents are so fully supporting him, holding him up, and embracing him with love. You can feel the warmth and strength literally radiating off this cover – it’s a book full of family love just waiting to be on shelves all over the world!
I hope you’re as excited about this book as I am – and I hope you’ll start sharing word about it with all your colleagues. Join me over on Twitter for a chance to win a copy from Lee & Low and let’s keep this conversation going and growing so we can see more books like Aidan out there.
If you want to know a little more about Kyle and Kaylani, please check out their bios and visit/add them on social:

KYLE LUKOFF is the author of A Storytelling of Ravens, which Kirkus Reviews called “not to be missed” in a starred review. After a decade as a bookseller he now works as a school librarian New York City, and has been involved in trans communities since 2004.” You can find him online at, @Shekels_Library, and
KAYLANI JUANITA describes her mission as an artist as “supporting the stories of the underrepresented, and creating new ways for people to imagine themselves.” Her work has appeared at the Society of Illustrators and on the BBC website, as well as in her first picture book, Ta-Da!, written by Kathy Ellen Davis. She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area. Look for her online at and @kaylanijuanita on Twitter and Instagram.