
when we wake karen healey

When We Wake by Karen Healey

“You are not the future I wanted. I can’t believe the same stupid shit is still happening. I wanted you to be better!  Be better!” I wait for it, you know.  I wait for that minute, that second, when I will become tired of dystopias.  And sometimes it comes to me in a flash.  Sometimes…

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flash burnout

A Chance to Win Flash Burnout & Love for L.K. Madigan

Flash Burnout by L.K. Madigan won the 2010 Morris Award.  As most of you reading this blog probably already know, the Morris Award is, and always will be, dearly close to my heart, as I just finished my first ever selection committee work on the 2011 Morris Award Committee.  I heard, first-hand, the way the…

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So You Want To Be On A Selection Committee. . .

What with one thing and another, I just sat down and re-read all of Beverly Cleary’s Ramona books.  These were books I loved as a child.  Several of the copies I re-read were, in fact, my own childhood copies.  In the front of Ramona Quimby, Age 8 I had written, in neat cursive, “I Love…

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